Wee Ones has many wonderful supporters in our hometown of Olivet, and in surrounding communities! Fundraising efforts are critical in keeping our preschool open and operating. During the academic year, we offer a variety of fundraisers that help to meet operational needs including Little Caesar’s Pizza Kits.
Most notably, Wee Ones hosts a Purse Bingo event each year that typically allows us to reach our fundraising goals in one epic event! Because of the hard work of our board members and the huge support of our community, family and friends, this has become and annual sold-out event that consists of a night of fun, laughter, food, and amazing opportunities to give back to our small-town preschool.
If you are interested in being a part of this exciting event through planning, volunteering, donating, or attending, please contact us at weeonespreschoololivet@gmail.com
As always be sure to visit our Facebook Page for Purse Bingo photos, updates, and information.