- Parent meeting for Kindergarten Round-Up is March 24th at FPE
- Pajama Day is March 26th & 27th, everyone wears pjs to school and brings a stuffed animal to school
- Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 28th, separate flier went home today.
- Next weeks snacks: Boehmer, Jones, Ruffner, McNair and Santini
- Olivet Chamber of Commerce is hosting a fundraiser on March 28th, 8:00 – 11:00pm at the Lamplighter to raise month for the city of Olivet’s Christmas lights. $10 each, door prizes, every dollar goes toward the lights.
- I have never made my own moon sand, but here’s a recipe for it. 8 cups flour mixed with 1/2 cup baby oil. Glitter of tempera paint can be added as well. Store in an airtight container.