- Wee Ones Pumpkin Run October 18th, 1:00pm come enjoy all the festivities – wear your costume
- Book order due October 22nd
- Next week’s snacks: Anderson, Medina, Lehman, Milligan, Burkett
- It’s not too late to register for our Pumpkin Run, you just get your shirt about a week after the event. We have about 60 participants signed up and we’re excited about all the activities planned for that day. We will have a book fair, baked goods, free cookie decorating, crafts and much more. Participants are encouraged to wear their costumes and make ti a family fun day. Even if you don’t run, walk or stroll in the race, come and cheer on those that do and enjoy the other events of the day.
- A huge thanks to Firefighter George Shook for giving us a tour of the fire station and to Sherry Sellen who arranged for us to take a school bus there as the weather was threatening storms those days. Both the fire station and the bus were a big hit!!!!
- We can still accept on-line orders for Yankee Candles through January 15th. Just use the code 990005219 and Wee Ones will earn the profit. Orders made by December 10th will arrive in time for Christmas!
- A note from the Financial Manager: Our bank is requesting that checks be written in black ink, colored ink is not transferring in their system.
- The fire station will be open on Halloween night giving out donuts, cider, and popcorn. Jake, the fire rescue dog will also be there.