- A huge thank you to Barb Platzer for allowing me to borrow many items she has from China including games, CDs, books, money, posters, etc. The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Chinese culture and these items provided hands-on learning experiences.
- The Kindergarten Registration form for Fern Persons Elementary School (FPE) was sent home last week. A parent meeting is scheduled for March 22nd at 6:00. Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2016 to attend kindergarten next fall.
- Vision and Hearing screening will be done here at the preschool on Friday, March 4th. Children in attendance that day will automatically be screened during preschool hours. Children in the Tuesday/Thursday class are encouraged to come in for screening between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. They will not need further vision or hearing screening done at FPE.
- FPE is also asking for donations for a new project which will create a safer entry way into the building. Contributions can e made to
- Next week’s snacks: Goodman, Treat, Crowell, Ruffner, Rabakon, Moore